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Five simple steps: How to feed real-time banking data leveraging APIs into Excel with FinanceKey via OData feed?

At FinanceKey, we offer a new collaborative way to manage treasury – moving data across systems & applications needs to be easy and straightforward. While we encourage moving beyond Excel’s over-reliance, it still plays an important role in many companies. With FinanceKey, you can seamlessly inject real-time data into your Excel worksheets – discover the 5 straightforward steps!

Banking APIs offer a modern way to connect with your bank and get real-time updates to bank account balances and transactions. At FinanceKey we enable connectivity to Premium APIs designed for corporations, to the regulatory APIs (PSD2 in the EU) and to Payment Services Providers (PSPs) digital wallets. With FinanceKey you can connect easily to multiple banks and get access to harmonized data in a single source. With oData we help you feed data and services instantly to e.g. Excel and PowerBI.


Open Excel/Create a New Worksheet: Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer. Open an existing Excel file or create a new worksheet, where you want to display the retrieved data from FinanceKey.


Go to the Data Tab: Go to the “Data” tab in the Excel ribbon at the top and under the “Get Data” section go to “From Other Sources”, and then click on “From OData feed.” This will open a new window.



Enter the OData Feed URL & Authenticate: In the window that appears, paste the OData feed URL into the address bar (app.demo.financekey.com/odata). After pasting the URL and authenticating using your organizational account (Single Sign-On), Excel will start connecting to the OData feed.



Navigator Window & load data: A Navigator window will appear, showing the available tables or data sets in the OData feed. Select the one you want to import into your Excel worksheet by clicking on it. Click the “Load” button.



Specify when Excel retrieves data: By default, Excel sets the imported data to refresh when you open the workbook. You can also set it to refresh at specific intervals to ensure the workbook is constantly up to date.


Save your Excel workbook so that the real-time data and refresh settings are retained. Now you are ready to go – you have the same real-time data inside FinanceKey & constantly updating in Excel!