Cash & Liquidity Management
Automated liquidity dashboard and real-time cash visibility
Instant insights into liquidity for smarter decision-making and to maximise return on cash. A single source for bank balances, investments and wallets.

On-demand cash visibility & liquidity dashboard

- Real-time visibility of bank balances and transactions across multiple banking partners.
- Configure account hierarchies and structures, define cash pools for efficient cash management.
- Obtain notifications and alerts for balance breaches and automatically generate the required funding and sweep payments.
- Automate balance management by retrieving intra-day transactions and setting bank account thresholds and targets to optimise liquidity.
- Control and view bank balances, payment provider wallets, custody accounts, other investments and collaterals in a single screen.
For C-level
Accurate decision-making enabled by real-time insights.
For Treasury
Gain higher returns with optimised liquidity and cash management.
For IT
Save costs and resources with automated monitoring & notifications.
Experience it first hand
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